Friday, June 12, 2009

One week down, Two to go...

Week one of Summer school is finally over! Only 2 weeks left and I have to remind myself this every day. Teaching 7th and 8th graders who really don't want to be in a classroom in the middle of June is exhausting. Every year I ask, why do I torture myself? The answer is simple... Money... If only this 3 year teacher could make a few more dollars (okay- a few more thousand dollars) a year, then I could be spending my first weeks of summer at home with my precious baby. I do have to admit, picking him up at the end of the day is one of the best things I could think of to end a day of torture with 13 and 14 year olds. I am truly thankful for the other 7th grade Math teacher, Dawn, for taking Conner this month so that I'm able to work without having to spend part of my paycheck on babysitters or daycare. Every day, she tells me how much fun it is to sit with him, play with him, watch his cute little faces and even big man cries. Every day he looks likes he's growing just a little bit more. I look forward to July, where I'll get the entire month with Conner, just the two of us.
We're off to El Campo tomorrow for my cousin's Scott's wedding, and then to Corpus Christi on Sunday to celebrate Chester and my FIRST ANNIVERSARY! Check back for updates of this fun packed weekend!

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